May 7, 2010

dresser drawers.

it's time to put this away.
toss out the key and how am i supposed to know that
this is the way it is supposed to be

place it in that box next to the melodies
collect dust and pull out the pages that sing your songs
and tear out the tears that stain the ink that plagues the lines

syllabus take minutes and words take hours
it's time to put this away
swallow the key

quick, they're looking.

April 3, 2010

traveling from

outdated cool, updated thought
prophecy spills through headphones perched atop ear drums
whistle of the tracks pours over thought
spur, spur, spur of the moment
the break dangles red and begs, begs, begs
"pull me" she whispers "test me," "feel me"
volume up, volume up
traffic lights in the distance
strangers holding fiction, shouting, shouting shouting
truths clouded by misconception
pop your ears
we're here.


north bound, south bound
up and down the east coast
west coast quandaries wander down roads with dotted lines
pack up, it's time to go.

March 28, 2010

v bfnh

try out. dig in, dig deep. look before you leap. breathe.

March 26, 2010

crossing streets

everyday expression in her face
she turns and yearns for something
more something else
something other
and is greeted by the grid system and broken
traffic lights, asphalt and rubble-
towers higher than heaven and more every day expression.

March 23, 2010

Sunny Tuesday

"I swear I can see land" she says, with her hand on her brow, shielding her eyes, the same color as the water, from the sun perched high at noon.

"No," he replied, stepping away from the wheel-

"It's just the haze; creates the illusion of it all"

March 22, 2010

Popping the Blog Cherry

I'll kick it off with a taste of something beautiful